Wishes of Water and Sun

by The Queen of Spades   Jan 22, 2007

I wish water tasted like the sun
So my insides could feel as bright
As sometimes my face appears

I wish a tiny ray of light
Could work its way into my heart
Matching what I'm supposed to feel

I wish air worked like osmosis
And when the wind hits my face
I could absorb the beauty of it all

I wish I could hold a bag of love
So when the tears come pouring
They could be saved with affection

I wish I could drink the thunder
And bathe in the lightning
So the storm would comfort me

I wish water tasted like the sun
Then the energy of all life
Could rest peacefully inside me


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  • 18 years ago

    by J Lau

    Excellent write... nice imagery and great picture you painted for the readers. Never thought I'd see water and sun in such a way... 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni

    There is not one poem of yours that I do not like. all of your poetry is amazing.

    i especialy liked this one because of the vivid images you created in my mind! superb work! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by supratim

    It is really awsome... holds such a beauty in it.. really a brilliant job..5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Dado

    Omg!!!!!!!!! i toltally luved it... it was beautifully beautiful!!
    greaaaaaaaaaaaaaat job sweetie

  • 18 years ago

    by debbylyn

    So good....beautiful....Hard to choose a favorite verse, but this one did it:

    I wish I could hold a bag of love
    So when the tears come pouring
    They could be saved with affection

    Different and interesting write. Well done. 5/5. Debbie