Now without you

by katie   Jan 22, 2007

I've learned when you grow away from your friends you always find yourself hanging on to the one time you can remember you were all happy. In high school there is never just one romance. You will always want the things or guys you can't have. People..will hurt you even if they might not mean to. Kisses are not contracts..and they don't mean forever. Just because people say..I love you doesn't mean that they do. Long glances are twice as better than short. Learning to forgive and forget is one of life's many virtues. Laugh when you fight for dumb reasons. Always try to spend quality time with friends. Go to sleep with a clear mind, you'll sleep better. The guy who loves you the most usually doesn't have to say it because you can just feel it when he's around. Is it possible to be friends with someone you once loved? Some say yes, some say no...I think it depends on how much you loved them. If someone loves you, that doesn't mean they'll never hurt you. Nothing can make you stay..and nothing can make you leave. The heart only loves what it likes..and hates what it doesn't. When you think about him, is all you can do is remember your past? Or is all you can do is think about your future?.. Learning to forgive yourself after a mistake is always going to be hard. Telling you one thing..and doing another is wrong. No matter how many times you look back, never regret what you did...A part of me will always be with you. The heart is forever inexperienced, although it can be broken it keeps beating just the same. We love being in love..and that's the truth. To love is to admire with the heart. To admire is to love with the mind. The head never rules the heart, it just becomes it's partner in crime. We know things better through love than knowledge. People who do not take chances or risks limit themselves. People who say dreams never come true, never have had one that did. Sometimes it takes a twist of fate to make a miracle...I don't know whether to love you or hate you...A friend is a friend, a lover is a lover, being both just becomes too complicated. Sometimes the best things in life really are free. Breaking up is harder to do the longer you wait. Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest..and feels the strongest...No one has ever loved anyone the way everyone wants to be loved. We all want to be in love for the simple reason that it is the one experience that makes us feel like we truly belong. When you fall too fast you get burned. The hardest part of learning a love lesson is the part where you have to walk away. He may be perfect but he is human...A smile can change everything, a kiss can't cure everything,..and I'm sorry won't work forever...A phone call has the power to make or break you. Sometimes you just gotta go. Sometimes you got a past to help a future. It is possible to fall for someone no matter how quick you fall. There is pain no matter what. The pain that comes before the love or the pain that comes when it's all over. I still love you,..I just don't know who you are now. I love you, you change me. You love me, I change you. Therefore you..and..I will never fully know each other because we are always changing one another...I feel so alive cause someone like you found me..and suddenly nothing is the same


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  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    Katie - this is beautiful, and shows much analytical thought and strength. excellent expression of your thoughts!!

  • 18 years ago

    by CJ Quintanilla

    Dude, i effing love this. it's not a poem, it's better than one. i feel like that too. i can't put it on paper like that though. thank you for opening up my eyes. you really have.