
by *liZ*   Jan 22, 2007

Everything is blurry, my world is breaking, every smile I give I am truly faking.

I can't be happy, not when you're almost gone, you're leaving this world and it wont be long.

Cancer cancer, please go away I know you wont but I do have to beg.

I try to pretend that non of this is real, so I numb myself, so the pain i can't feel.

Childhood memories I can never replace, bike rides in the park, playing hours of games...

I already miss you and you're still here, My pain pours out in cold wet tears.

Daddy I love you I hope you know, you'll be in my heart where ever you go.

And though this cancer may take you away, I will never forget you, not one single day.


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  • 17 years ago

    by fakesmile

    I know da feelin.. my grandpa died of cancer.. very well written.. what a stupendous poem.. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Gosh!!! that was very sad piece.. hmm i love the way how u portrayed ur story here and seems really inspires to all readers. just keep on writing all what u feel! excellent job5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    First off, I am so so sorry,
    A lot of my family members have died of cancer,
    and my father has also passed away,
    so if you ever need anything I'm here
    this poem is beautiful
    i hope you get thru this tough time