Forever Forgotten

by carrie   Jan 22, 2007

The night was cold.
Her life was young.
Her smile as bright
as the morning sun.
She didn't see herself pretty.
Only dark and cold.
One of America's rejects,
She was called.
No one cared for her it seemed.
Young and beautiful
Blinded by lies
Forever Forgotten
In everyone's eyes.
She couldn't take the pain
that lived inside.
Remedies she started to try.
Her wrists, now covered,
scarred for life.
Forever Forgotten.
In everyone's eyes.
She tried to hide
The pain inside.
Her eyes, once pretty,
Now bloodshot with pain.
Her face, once beautiful,
Now covered with tear stains.
Depression took hold
Late one night.
The night was cold
When she took her own life.
If only she saw
The tears that were cried.
If she knew their love,
She would still be alive.


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  • 18 years ago

    by XxMoonLightxX

    This poem was so beautiful..sad...but still beautiful
    i hope this isn't how you feel becuase everyone is beautiful, even if it may not seen like it to themselves.

    just remember
    you are beautiful in someones eyes, someone always thinks of you before falling asleep at night, and no matter who it is..they will always love you.
    I call these people garudian angels.

    What do you call them?

    ok enough of my nice one!

    keep writing girlie!
