When I saw you today,
I just had to say,
How much I still love you,
And I'm dying now that you're not my "boo"
You looked so handsome,
I could've had to pay a random.
Walking down that lonely hall,
I almost started to bawl.
Knowing that you weren't mine,
Like promised, until the end of time.
Seeing her standing by your side,
Sent my mind into a whirl-wind of a ride.
I turned around and ran off,
Behind me I heard you scoff.
I wanted to start crying,
When I remembered all the time I found you lying.
Forever you said you'd care.
Forever you promised to be there.
Now, I stand here all alone,
Wondering if I should call you on the phone.
I don't know if you really ever cared.
I don't know how you can just throw away all the years we shared.
I do know that one day I'll be over you.
But only when the midnight sky goes light blue.