Hiding my heart

by Kaila   Jan 23, 2007

My heart beats faster and faster
each time I think of you
Your everything I need
My heart beats for you
Stuck with this heartache
this pain deep inside
I've tried to hide it
If only I could hide
I've been stuck with this pain for so long
It's burning deep within
I'm waiting to find a cure
but so far I just can't win
I don't want to love you anymore
But my heart just cant stop
I've been wanting to tell you this feeling
But at thought my stomach seems to drop
But maybe someday you'll see the real me
The one that loves you dear
Until then i just done know
I'm going to have to live in fear


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  • 16 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Wow that was sweet,, so dont hide it better yet i feel more sweetness in this poem, i love those words kinda thougths of young who is really inlove to someone that hardly keeping inside instead expressing it, anyway great job 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by shattered.:.emotions

    This one really relates to me! Its really well written! <33 Tabby

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Awwwh, this was sweet yet sad.
    My favourite part was the last line, I thought it really stood out.
    Excellent work.

  • 18 years ago

    by Princess of snow

    Aww...this poem
    gives me teary eyed
    beacuse I feel like this