Here I lay naked beside you. Hearing you breathe deep with slumber.
Wishing. Wanting. Waiting.
Drifting ever so slight, I touch your skin with cold frail hands. I can feel your muscles tense in fear. The darkness falls over your eyes, warming an icy stare.
I must have forgotten myself again.
You fade slowly into a world of nightmares.
I think of your kisses, and of your touch.
I melt with the thought of what could be your lips against my shoulder.
Silently, I beg you to hold my tired body.
Silently, you deny my love again.
Fading into sleep, I whisper goodnight.
Hours slowly drag on.
With every whimper there is new hope of your embrace.
The clock ticks so loud and the light bleeding in from under the door is blinding.
I smother my cough in a pillow as to not be too obvious in my attempts to wake you.
Failure, you turn a way.
I miss you.