Comments : How I Feel Without You

  • 18 years ago

    by x.Athame.x

    I like the metaphors you used in this piece, and the way you put it all together. Great job. I particularly liked these lines

    "I feel there's nothing left of me.
    I feel like an angel with a broken wing,"

    Overall great job on this piece. Best wishes and blessed be. *Athame* 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Awwww. i dont really no how to compliment the poem, but AWWW/

    pisture-i think you meant picture.

  • 17 years ago

    by Princess of snow

    The metaphors and similies, complement the
    poem so well. It's an amazing piece
    reflecting upon the message. I like how
    it is written. Great Job.