Only one tear, yeah
one shed of fear.
boy just because i
hang my head down
low doesn't mean it's
because of you.
can i ask you just one
little question??
how can your touch be
so warm yet your words
be so cold??
boy i thought i meant
something to you??
your nothing more than
a liar and a theft of my
i thought you were better
than that.
how could you let me put
all my trust in you just
for you to stab me in
the back...
are u a stupid boy or
am i just a stupid girl?
boy i don't know who
to trust anymore??
i hope you still have
Ur crimson hands,
to remind you of what
you did to me.
because one day
someone is gonna
play you like you
played me. and
you will think of me
with that knife in my back
and you will hang Ur head
down low and feel the pain
that i felt.. yeah
that burning pain in Ur
heart and the warm oozing
liquid that comes with all
the pain..
i just hope they have more
guts than you to stab u in
the heart face to face..
rather than stabbing you
in the back and
being a coward..
afraid to see what pain lies
across your face..
like what you did to me.