One and only tru love!!

by ashley   Jan 23, 2007

He was my first love;
my one and only true love;
but then one day everything changed;
he stared to not love me;
my heart fell down the drain;

He went to Kentucky over the summer;
we talked everyday on the phone;
everything seem so perfect;
until he got home;

He hit once..
then did it twice;
i wanted to hit back;
but then i thought twice;

I was scared of him;
he seemed so fine;
until he left south Carolina;
why did he do this to me;
he really broke my heart;

Now when I talk to him;
he really doesn't care;
I try to ask him why babe;
but it seems my life comes tumbling down;

He broke my heart;
he doesn't even care;
sometimes ill just tell him;
ill always be there;


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  • 18 years ago

    by lizzle

    Like dis poem!its great!u hav such great skill!!!u dont need other ppls work!