Emotions..A broken Heart

by DeadGirl AKA Becka   Jan 23, 2007

Never will the blood stop
its' river like flow...
Never to give pitty...
Because you wouldn't show...

You held it all...
within your poor heart...
It built up inside...
It grew very dark...

When you hid it...
you locked it all away...
but, now it finally has come out...
And we shall all see today...

But, by locking it all deep inside...
It comes out all wrong...
it's terrible...
you no longer are able to hide...

It spills out...
upon the floor...
your causing pain...
And more tears from before...

See what happens...
when you never let it out...
you make us suffer...
You let your hatred sprout...

Let it all out...
like if you were Sober...
now you can live a new...
and start all over


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Another great poem you are so talented, plz let me know when you write any new poems i would love to read them. keep it up shanik

  • 18 years ago

    by Miranda

    Hi wuts ^ i realy liked this one its ... its well its heard to say but i just realy liked it ^_^ chat ya later^_~

  • 18 years ago

    by *VictronEica*

    This poem says so much, while i was reading this...my mouth just feel open. (5/5)