Fairytale Ending....?

by -Ѕнэ đιεđ ѕсѓεάміηĝ-   Jan 24, 2007

No fairytale is perfect
Every story has a flaw
Each princess has a secret
From which happy lives are torn

Snow Whites Prince was so possessive
Her Castle was a fort
Every time she crossed the line
Another "lesson" she was taught

Cinderellas happy ending
Never quite came true
Late At night, the Prince came home
To find her hanging from a noose

Sleeping Beauty woke with a kiss
Yet every night she cried
Picking up a razor blade
She tried to make things right

Jack and Jill, both so broke
So Jill she walked the street
Different men Every night
Just so they could eat

Rapunzel lived in a tower
With a needle in her hand
Her Dealer climbed her hair each night
Instead of the prince from across the land

Hansel and Gretal, never got home
They never found their father
So know the only thing to say is,

Happily Ever After.....?

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  • 16 years ago

    by Gizmo

    Unique is definitly, if i must say, i've been on this a very long time and i don't think i've read anything quite like that. its sad..but it is so true, firstly who knows that wasn't wahat the ending to them really was! and secondly, there is no such thing as a happy ending, thats why i always hated fairytales..but i love this.

    you hit home with this one, and its so cleverly done. just keep up with the good work xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Tiffany

    That was beautiful! i love how you took a different stance on happy endings. i loved it. awesome!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by mazie

    Wow gal dis poem is so moving it was reli touching i was almost crying n im not 1 4 crying. i loved it. well done.5/5. mazieX

  • 18 years ago

    by Moon Princess

    Haha, I found this so sad, yet hilarious at the same time. I liked how you took happy endings and made them sad.
    A job well done.

  • 18 years ago

    by PoetryHeart

    Wow hun, this was so beautiful, and so easy to imagine. keep writing, your so talented. love your work, keep it up.

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