Comments : What is It

  • 17 years ago

    by Naima

    Wonderful! I love this poem, I can understand the emotion behind it. Good poem! Sorry to take so long writing back.

  • 17 years ago

    by ShootingStar179

    "She wants you,
    to hold her,
    to touch her,
    and to kiss her."

    You wrote "her" 3 times in 4 lines. A little repetitive.

    "Is it lust, or sexual attraction?"

    ^What's the difference?

    Describe your subject. Instead of using "She" a gazillion times you can say "this girl" or "this woman" or "One". Widen your vocabulary.

    I hate to say this but I will, this poem is not a 5. You were lucky.


  • 17 years ago

    by Hatori

    I enjoy repetative poems! Eh, oh well. I like the last line and the emotion was true. Great job, and so far out the poems I have read by you, this is my favorite. Keep trying!


  • 17 years ago

    by Teria

    I absolutely loved the last stanza, it was the best. The entire poem was quite amazing, but that last stanza... boy, oh, boy! I loved it. Lol. Great job, Hun. :D one of your best.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kalee

    I really enjoyed reading this poem. It was well written.

    My favourite stanza was:
    "She wants you,
    to hold her,
    to touch her,
    and to kiss her."

    I can really relate to this. It was a great read. 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    Amazing poem. so parts are repeative, but I tadds to the charm. Youd di a wonderful job.