How I'd loved that crooked smile
the very first time I'd seen it
It carried a wonder with it
that was quite unlike anything I'd ever seen before
mischief danced in his eyes and excited my emotions
I knew I should stay away
but it kept drawing me in
one day I'd put on a show
make the whole world think I hated him
the next day I'd hug him goodbye
nearly whiping a tear from my eye
knowing full well I'd see him again
tomorrow, if not later that night
a strong bond formed between us
and we began to become inseperable
the bad times kept coming,
but together we faced them like champs
we'd sit up nights just staring into the television
soaking up with fiction it wanted us to believe this day
and then we'd talk; maybe not a lot
but more than was enough to take comfort
I drank his words in
they were a lot like the cough syrup mom would give me
when I was little and sick
it just made me feel better
even if it didn't actually fix the problem
but it gave me enough to get through it
until it went away on its own
by this time the rumors started
we were the topic of most of the gossip the community was sharing
everyone was just sure we were together
We drew the line at friendship for so long
more because of necessity than desire
he was in the last inning
of a relationship drug out too long
but I respected the need for him to play it out
to make sure it didn't have any more surprises left for him.
some days I'd wonder why they kept on going
as miserable as they both were most days
she never trusted him
and he was sick of her ordering him around
but I knew in my heart why things kept going
they were in love
probably more so than most people you think are in love.
but even love couldn't conquer the challenges they faced
and they fell apart
Now everytime I see that crooked smile
I smile even bigger because I know
that man with the crooked smile
is kissing me goodnight before Ii crawl into bed
and that man with the crooked smile
calls me when he has a free moment
just to make sure I'm alright
and I rest well at night
knowing I can call him
my man