Written in Ink; Covered in Blood

by Simply Complex   Jan 24, 2007

This heart being ripped and twisted
From the depths of her chest
Deep within her
Fragile breast

The hurt inflicted
The pain has honed in
Right on her bones

Carelessly planned
Her death has occurred
No accident
Done by her own hand

The story starts out
With a desire
To keep him happy
Not thinking,
pushing away doubt

Quickly this plan
Turns into deep regret
Getting them together
The mistake of a lifetime

The cause of her death
Inside her forever broken heart
His named incised deeply
Into the side of the bullet

And lying on her blood soaked pillow
A note written in ink
Covered in blood
Simply seven short words:

I will love him until I die.

I havent written in a while..i'd aprreciate a comment or a vote =]


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  • 17 years ago

    by xXsecrets behind my smileXx

    That was really deep! woow! that was such a beautiful poem!
    well done...check out some of mine see if ya like them..i havent been writing for long!
    that poem was aesome!!

  • 18 years ago

    by JRG

    Wow i realy liked that it was deep and meaning full great work and dosent mater that u aint writen in a while still good 5/5 ! !

  • 18 years ago

    by Dixie

    OMG...fruckin' chills all the way down my spine...VERY GOOD...I LOVED IT

  • 18 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Very deep and emotional, made me sad at points. The flow and structure was good. Keep up the great work.

    Peace, Joe

  • 18 years ago

    by Braeden Monks

    I respect the poem and it was awesome

    cheers to you and
