Where is Grandpa??

by Godofpain   Jan 24, 2007

A little boy walks up to his mother and says:

"Mommy, where did grandpa go?,
"He was suppose to take me fishing",
"So I really wanna know"!
"And I know you told me he was here",
"That he was watching over me",
"But I just don't get it mommy",
"Is there something I don't see?".

A little boy walks up to his mother and says:

"Mommy, why are you crying"?.
Grandpas on his way"!
"He promised that we'd go sledding",
"From 1 to 3 today"!
"But mommy, your clock is wrong",
"Because It says that it is 3",
"And grandpa never breaks a promise",
"He wouldn't lie to me"

A little boy walks up to his mother and says:

"Mommy, where is grandpa"?,
"I haven't seen him this week",
"Maybe grandpas playing",
"A game of hide-n-seek!"
"I sure do miss him though",
"Mommy, where is grandpa?",
"I really wanna know!",

A little boy walks up to his mother and says:

"Mommy, whats a coffin?"
"I heard the word from Dad"
"He was talking to our preacher"
"He sure looked awfully sad!"
"Then he said grandpas name"
"And then he started to cry!"
"He fell down to his knees"
"And shouted toward the sky"

A little boy walks up to his mother and says:

"Mommy, I've been waiting",
"But I just don't understand",
"Mommy, tell me where grandpa is",
"I wanna hold his hand",
"He use to take me places,"
"He'd take me to the fair"
"He bought me cotton candy",
"And a big Ole teddy bear!",
"It stays in my room",
"And it sleeps in my bed",
"It talked to me last night mommy",
"I'll tell you what it said",
"It told me to be good",
"And don't forget to pray",
"It said grandpa was an angel!"
"And that I'd be one some day",

A little boy walks up to his mother and says:

"Mommy, now I know,"
"I know where grandpa is",
"And if he stays in my heart",
"I'm sure to stay in his",
"And if I look up in the sky",
"I'll see his shining face,"
"I know that he is happy",
"He's in a better place..."


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Im not broken anymore

    Omg this is so sad but so good... =( you are a great writer keep it up...

  • 17 years ago

    by Nick who Plays Pool

    Dialogue for the stanza, that's new, but anyways 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle18

    This poem is great...its soo sad at the beginning but at the end i cant help but smile....

    "Mommy, now I know,"
    "I know where grandpa is",
    "And if he stays in my heart",
    "I'm sure to stay in his",
    "And if I look up in the sky",
    "I'll see his shining face,"
    "I know that he is happy",
    "He's in a better place..."

    i really like this part...its my favorite.

  • 18 years ago

    by aisyned

    Thats so sadddddd

  • 18 years ago

    by Ashmore

    I am sorry if you are going through this right now. Even so, this is such a sad story. You did a fascinating job writing this. Keep Writing! x