
by Courtney   Jan 24, 2007

The tides break away , almost like
theyre trying to show me the truth
but i pay no attention, im looking
up at the stars, matching each one
to a reason why i try so hard, and
i just end up losing count but i`m
still mezmorized by them, the
glinting sliver of the moon
glimmers down on the grains of
sand who in return give off a dull
glow .. the cool crisp air catches
the nape of my neck whispering the
sweet words thru my flowing hair..
the sands cool touch soothes my
skin,i glance at you, sound asleep
so i lay my head on your chest and
listen to your heart beat,it feels
like heaven, and i fall asleep ...


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  • 15 years ago

    by Shokry Al Qubati

    It's so romantic...

  • 15 years ago

    by Shokry Al Qubati

    Wow! It's of the most wonderful poems i've ever read! Keep it up ^_^
