The blunt sword

by samara   Jan 24, 2007

A man has a sword, once sharp and never dulled,
but it has been a long time since he has used it so the blade has become dull and rusty.

One day while going out unto the village to sell some bread, the man was met by a thief.

"Give me your bread, and all the shillings you may have stored in your robe," The thief ordered.

So the man gave him his bread and all the shilling he had stored in his robe, but before the thief left him he asked: "why did you not try and defend yourself, is that not a sword that lay on your side?"

"Indeed, but the blade is blunt as could never Peirce your skin...,"

"Then perhaps you should learn to take better care of your sword!!" The thief laughed and with that he ran off.

To who ever can figure out the meaning of this parable, is wise and must take head to the warning, never let your sword grow dull...


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  • 18 years ago

    by samara

    Thank you for your kind words :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Lauri Pierce

    The meaning of this is very clear to me, you have depicted it beautifully. Thank you for a great reminder :)

  • 18 years ago

    by samara

    This is more of a small story I made up ^^ if you can figure out what it means please comment and tell me if you understand :)

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