Loving with no point

by adrian   Jan 24, 2007

When you love someone..
and they are so close but yet so far away
you think they are the only one,
The only one that can brighten your day

The ones that make the sun come out in the morning
the ones that make the moon come out at night
the ones that let you live,
the ones that will eventually make you die,

They will make you die with their carelessness,
carelessness toward you, by not knowing you exist
not knowing what they are making you go through
without even caring one bit


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sara

    No i dont have a myspace, but i think im gonna make one soon haha...do you have one?...commmentt backkkkk

  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    OMG!....i loved it!....that was sooo good...and it can relate to soo many people!>..your a great writer...comment back?...i will return the favor