The Story of a Girl

by Kelsey Marie   Jan 25, 2007

Once upon a time,
There was a baby girl.
Little did she know,
She was her parents world.

They read her bedtime stories,
And bought her lots of toys.
They gave her hugs and kisses,
They hated saying goodnight.

A few years pass
And now it's kindergarten time.
They watch her make new friends,
Knowing these friendships will pass with time.

Here she learns her A B C's,
And how to spell her name,
Knowing that one day,
She'll watch her own learn the same.

Now she's in the first grade
Learning even more.
They watch her sitting at her desk,
Her face in total bore.

Now she can add 1 and 1.
She thinks math is so much fun.
Her parents watch her joyfully,
If only she knew she was their light, their sun.

Moving to the second grade,
She's learning how to read.
You put her into cheer-leading
And she takes a major lead.

Now she likes to dress herself
In oh-so-pretty things.
She likes to paint her nails now,
And tires so hard to sing.

One year later,
She's now in third grade.
Now forced to take the TASK test,
She comes to you for aid.

She learns how to write in cursive,
And use a multiplication chart.
You know this will help her later in life,
She's going to be so smart.

Oh dear, she's in the fourth grade now,
Whatever shall we do.
Her best friend says she's moving away,
She bids a fair adieu.

But that is not the only loss
That she will face this year.
It's time to lay down the family dog.
Her eyes fill with tears.

Fast forward to the fifth grade,
She's making many new friends.
You wonder what is in her mind,
What messages it sends.

You help her through this terrible day,
Now known as 9-11.
You try to answer all her questions,
All asked with anticipation.

Another year has yet gone by,
Your baby is now in sixth grade.
She wants so much to wear some make-up,
You know this stage won't fade.

She's getting into fights
With some of her best friends.
You try so hard to help her cope,
Bring all her sorrows to an end.

Now she's in junior high,
And now puberty strikes.
Her nights are spent mending cramps
And complaining about Dyke's.

She has a major crush now,
Her best friend likes him too.
They brag about the hugs they got
And dreams they hope come true.

Now she's in the eighth grade,
The changes in her are great.
Her parents look at each other every night
She will have a wonderful fate.

She's involved in student council
And tries so hard in school.
All her teachers love her,
Her niece thinks she's so cool.

Oh dear! Oh dear!
She's in high school now!
When did all this happen?
You wonder why and how.

Overcome by color guard one semester
And so much homework the next.
You can't remember life being this hard.
You long so much for that daily text.

Now it's time to really worry.
She has her first boyfriend now.
He seems nice,
But it only lasts for a little while.

With a new year
Comes a new boyfriend with so many problems.
She tries to juggle all,
But she continues to fall.

You watch her with all this stress,
Whatever can you do.
You know your baby needs you.
If only problems could be sued.

There once was a baby girl.
She sat on her daddy's knee
And helped her mommy cook.
You know one day you'll set her free.

Once upon a time,
There was a baby girl.
Little did she know,
She was her parents world.

They read her bedtime stories,
And bought her lots of toys.
They gave her hugs and kisses,
They hated saying goodnight.

I wrote this poem for my parents as a Christmas present. My money was tight last year so this is what I gave them.


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  • 18 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    I really like this poem it is very cute and heart felt poems make the greatest gifts any way