I have not only one but two types of tears
One bloody one salty which one should i fear
Should I fear one or should I fear two
For all the pain I have been through
Both of them are so painful so wary
For me to face this is scary
I want to get better to be happy to smile
But by the looks of life now it might be a while
People I trusted turned their backs on me
The fighting tears hurt what can I do to be free
When I try to do something right
I get hurt and knocked down without a fight
This leads to the first type of tears I shed
I get the razor blades and knives and cry on my bed
Sit and cry til I have gotten weak
Then the second type of tears come when I start to freak
This is when I give up lost hope to much pain
Then salty and bloody tears start the rain
By the end of the night my arm is red my eyes dried
For tonight is the night I'm going to die
I can't take it anymore the battle I lost
For I now found the deadly line to cross
I lost I hope you people can be happy without me
Now my angel wings are let free