Even though your gone

by Jen   Jan 25, 2007

The pain is so unbareable,
knowing she cannot help,
but its just not the same,
as the pain you suffered is terrible.

She cries for you everyday,
knowing that she wasnt there,
for your final moment,
her world now a shade of grey.

Shes lost without you,
a relative and a best friend,
and now she is so lost,
she wasnt there for the very end.

She loves you so much,
and knows that you love her too,
but the pain is still there,
from the fact of not seeing you.

You wont be there to hold her hand,
to guide her through her problems,
you arent there to hug and kiss,
but she does still understand.

She knows you were in pain,
and now its been relieved,
but she cant help but cry for you,
she wont see you again.

She loves you so much at heart,
and you know that too,
your always deep inside her heart,
she will always remember you.

You may be gone in person,
but in spirit your still here,
and every time she thinks of you,
she knows shes got nothing to fear.


[this was just a poem i felt coming i suppose partly because of Gem and her situation which has just brought up the pain i went through too so i wrote a poem about how i felt and some of Gems feelings may be within here too]


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jamie

    I like the flow of this poem it is quite nice.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Well written poem. The sadness comes through to the reader. Good job!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tite

    Nice poem, it is very nice to comfort someone in the time of grief. Shows that you are a good friend. Keep it up.

    Stay Playa,

  • 18 years ago

    by Krzysztof J

    This is a poem that a lot of people will be able to relate to on different levels. I cant say how i releate to this but it was very hard to read this poem to the end, its a magificent write powerfull yet gentle, filled with lost a touch of hope and pain, i dont really know what to say, it is perfect. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Gem

    Aw Jen!
    Thankyou for writing this, you've made a lot of feelings clearer with this piece and although i wouldn't wish what i'm feeling on anyone, it's reassuring to now i'm not the only one.
    And i know you can understand how hard it is to keep smiling.

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