Change Can Hurt

by Bridget   Jan 26, 2007

The scars in her heart will never go away,
The pain that still remains will never start to fade.
The memories of the times before still brings a sparkle to her eye,
but thinking of that one change, will always make her cry.

This one change in her life has hurt her through and through,
if only they remembered that she still existed too.
But once she made a mistake and wasn't perfect anymore,
her whole reputation went crashing to the floor.

No matter how hard she tried to get her old self back,
her life had already changed and she had to face the facts.
She now had to deal with her permanently wounded soul,
and had to cope with the feeling of not quite being whole.

One small change can be a disaster in one's life.
One small change can cause someone a lot of strife.
One small change can leave you feeling like dirt.
One small change - can really really hurt.


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  • 17 years ago

    by robin milford

    Good poem I can relate

  • 18 years ago

    by Colby

    Good poem, ONE THING.... now im not making fun of you or w/e..... but try to make it ryhme more.

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    This poem is very well written. It is very sad. Writing are feelings down sometimes helps to heal our souls. Hope you feel better soon. Thinking of you Cindy