by Jeff ROWE   Jan 26, 2007

I look outside and it's raining
And I think about love,
This great mystery.
Then, I think about you
And how you came into my life
Evoking feelings of joy within me.
For years I've dreamt of finding someone like you,
And I have often thought the soul mate
I was seeking would only be in my dreams.
How lonely my poor heart would be,
If we had never met,
And how much chance had to do with us
Being here with each other.
Yet, we met at the perfect moment in time.
Just imagine,
How each of our hearts
Mysteriously gravitated toward each other.
When I look at you,
I see your beauty,
And the beauty of your eyes captivates me.
Yet, behind your looks
There you are,
As beautiful as a summer's eve,
And soft as a whispering breeze
Revealing the warmth in your heart.
I thought I had been kissed before
And I could never have imagined
How sensuous the taste of a kiss could be
Until my lips brushed against yours.
You didn't just kiss my lips
You kissed my soul


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  • 18 years ago

    by Romantic Lover

    Great poem. Amazing how love just seems to creep up and take over your soul.