I'm getting dizzier by the second
I don't know why
I mean
I don't think I'm high
It scares the hell out of me
Because I'm spinning out of time
More come flying at me by the second
I don't know whats going on
I mean
From every corner they've been drawn
It scares the hell out of me
Because I'm spinning out of time
More washes over me by the second
I don't know who's here
I mean
All I can sense is fear
It scares the hell out of me
Because I'm spinning out of time
The black hole of Pain grows larger by the second
Will it ever stop?
I mean
Will I ever stop hurting?
It scares the hell out of me
Because I'm spinning out of time
It fills my swollen body
As I drift away
Everything is black
Music, sweet music accompanies the darkness