Roses/Last Nights Rain

by David Marshall   Jan 26, 2007

This poem can be very hard to understand unless you know its symbolic meanings...The rose resembles love of course, the rain resembles Your loved ones tears, and the trees resemble the relationship between the two people, its hard to understand i know but here it is.

The dark gloomy night,
is carefully guided by the moon.
As the glimmering glaring sun rises,
you have your first fill just before noon.

The evening blows its winds,
as the grass clothes the earth.
Although life leads to death,
we are blessed for every birth.

The trees whisper to the birds,
as they drip from last nights rain.
Fireflies flicker in the bushes,
where the peace and mist remain.

The reflections in the water,
and the damp moisture on every stone.
There are dead roses in the backyard,
as if neglected and left alone.

The trees remain intently silent,
as the birds singly fly away.
The fireflies keep to rest,
as the shimmering sun refuses to stay.

Day is now night,
and the air is filled with fog.
The trees are sadly falling,
and used for a fire wood log.

The roses are dead,
there's just way too much pain.
I should have seen this coming,
The pain from last nights rain.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by divine divinity

    Excellent. Enjoyed the symbolism, thought it really fitted with what you were trying to say, really made the poem strong. Was beautifully written, flawless.

  • 17 years ago

    by WiNgS Of StEeL

    Yu have a gr8 way with words:d
    ur an awesome poet:D
    keep up the wonderful poems:d
    tk care

  • 17 years ago

    by robin milford

    U have a orginal out look i enjoyed your poem

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    I loved this poem! It had this mysteriousness about it. This eerie feeling in such a neat way. It was like a fantasy poem to me. I loved the sensations it gave. I really enjoyed these two lines

    Although life leads to death,
    we are blessed for every birth.

    I thought that was very original and a positive outlook on a negative situation. Nice job David! Thanks for your entry. I commented on two on your featured, and then this keep a look out!
    Nice job!

  • 18 years ago

    by AbsOlUtElYnOthIng91

    I didn't quite understand ALL of it,
    BUT what i did understand I cared for deeply.
    plz if you dont mind could you write me a message fully explaining so i can understand compleatly^^
    but if you dont its ok^^

    I did really enjoy it so off i go to read more of what you wrote^^