Comments : Roses/Last Nights Rain

  • 18 years ago

    by Whisper

    I understood it! I understand perfectly. It's very good and has a lot of meaning and I loved the symbolism (hope I spelled that right..hehe) Well anyways, I loved it. I'm the first to vote and the first to comment. Yay for both of us. Hehe

    Love Always
    ~Casey J

  • 18 years ago

    by AbsOlUtElYnOthIng91

    I didn't quite understand ALL of it,
    BUT what i did understand I cared for deeply.
    plz if you dont mind could you write me a message fully explaining so i can understand compleatly^^
    but if you dont its ok^^

    I did really enjoy it so off i go to read more of what you wrote^^

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    I loved this poem! It had this mysteriousness about it. This eerie feeling in such a neat way. It was like a fantasy poem to me. I loved the sensations it gave. I really enjoyed these two lines

    Although life leads to death,
    we are blessed for every birth.

    I thought that was very original and a positive outlook on a negative situation. Nice job David! Thanks for your entry. I commented on two on your featured, and then this keep a look out!
    Nice job!

  • 17 years ago

    by robin milford

    U have a orginal out look i enjoyed your poem

  • 17 years ago

    by WiNgS Of StEeL

    Yu have a gr8 way with words:d
    ur an awesome poet:D
    keep up the wonderful poems:d
    tk care

  • 15 years ago

    by divine divinity

    Excellent. Enjoyed the symbolism, thought it really fitted with what you were trying to say, really made the poem strong. Was beautifully written, flawless.