The Window

by Felicia Tursi   Jan 26, 2007

Alone in her own world,
She sat there and cried.
Alone in a cold world,
And he was just a lie.
She gave him all he could ask for,
And still that was not enough.
But he doesn't care anymore,
So she pretends to be tough.
He thinks love is fake,
But he's never loved.
He'll never love for his sake,
But he is forever loved.
He says he loves her,
But to him love is like.
No love could occur,
If all he does is like.
So she shed these tears,
For a guy who left.
And all she has is fears,
And they have not left.
She won't let anyone as close,
As she did that boy.
No one has ever gotten that close,
But he treats her like a toy.
He told her he loved her,
But to him love is an overused word.
He told her forever,
But there's no forever she heard.
And now shes so lonely,
Without her dream guy.
She wishes he would see,
But she needs to say goodbye.
So she sits at her window,
And stares at the sky.
He head hangs so low,
As she lets out a sigh.
Tears fall like raindrops,
And she let's it all out.
She hears sirens from cops,
Hes stolen her heart of doubt.
For she wishes for a new life,
A dream she won't leave.
She gets through this strife,
For she has been disseaved.
Her heart can't take the pain,
So she thinks about letting go.
It's driving her insane,
She watches out the window.
Grey clouds start to appear,
Lightning lights the dark sky.
She wishes he was near,
She wishes she could fly.
She opens the window,
Climbs out onto the rail.
She lets go of what shes known,
This life she has failed.
Thoughts run through her mind,
She stands up so tall.
She's leaving this life behind,
As she steps off and forever falls.


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