Expectations of Myself

by Lauri Pierce   Jan 26, 2007

May I be so in sync with God,
That I hear His every call.
Willing to always do His bidding,
And hardly ever fall.

To hear His voice so full and clear,
and know to whom I speak.
And if I start to ever fear,
He reminds me I'm not weak.

So when the devil comes a closin' in,
Attempting to bring much pain and blunder.
I will stand upon the Lord within,
To defeat him who draws me under.

My heart desires these important things,
Although they are but few.
To these precious goals I daily cling,
And I encourage them to you!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Hey hun :) that was beautiful!!! is this ur first poem? if so it's just a stunner *grins* thanks so much 4 the lovely comment... in fact... it is a song! lol I was going through sum tough stuff and God just showed me that even when things are terrible AROUND me that they can't touch me (Psalm 91) I hope it encouraged u :)

    keep writing hun! i'll pop in now and then and say hi *hugs* nice 2 meet u

    love ruthie xoxo