
by Kimberly   Jan 26, 2007

Oh daddy why?
Why do you have to be the reason i cry?
Where did your strength go?

~I thought you understood.
This killer is deadly and its out for you.
You can save yourself
I know you can.~

Do you care?
Do you wish to live?
What are your reasons?
What about us?

~You will never show how you really feel. Sometimes I hate you, but i don't mean it. You know i love you daddy. ~

Why must you die?


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  • 17 years ago

    by chelsea

    Wow thats good.. And Cutee..Is Thiss Ture..
    Amzingg..Lovee Yuuu Tap Back.x

  • 18 years ago

    by Elaine90

    HOly shit Kim what is this about. dont scare me like this. Life is so f'ed up right now. Blaine still loves me and it is so hard I still love him. I almost wish He had done something bad so I didnt hurt so much knowing we both still love each other. He came over to ask my rents if he could take me to prom. They f'in said no. I hate life. I need you and em so BAD. Ilove you. Pass this on to em. Excuse the language I am so PISSED right now. Love you and miss you Ashley elaine. Write back Did you knnow they wont let you send a message with cuss words? Thats F'ed up.

  • 18 years ago

    by Erica Jovie©

    I'm totally lost! love ya babe! ~emily