
by hana heroin e   Jan 27, 2007

I am wilted
Broken in despair
Withered and tired
Everything has failed

I cannot
Will not
Live this way
Nothing can take my pain away

My only friends have come to be
Bloody silver knives
It seems life has no reason
No reason to survive

Ive hurt my self so you cant
I wont try to hide my scars
The only thing that keeps me here
Is the fact that death is not so far

So keep me in your thoughts
And remember good times
Because oh so sacred memories
Are all that bring delight

Nothing here can stop me
Because theres nothing worth it anymore
Im sorry you have to see me this way
But in the end its all revealed

You created me
A worthless nerveless soul
It was you that caused the heartbreak
That caused the rest to fall

But I cannot hold a grudge
Because you know I wont forget you
And in the end
I hope youll remember me too


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  • 17 years ago

    by why is life so miserable

    O.m.g. i lov3 this po3m gr3at job is so d33p and so tru3!!! i can r3lat3 to it actually on3 of ma po3ms is kinda lik3 this lolz
    GR3AT JOB 5/5 D3F!
    ======cynthia m. =]

  • 17 years ago

    by sShHh..


  • 18 years ago

    by Roxy

    This is a really nice and deep poem My favorite stanza was this one below:

    You created me
    A worthless nerveless soul
    It was you that caused the heartbreak
    That caused the rest to fall

    It made so much sense to me in a weird way. I would have never though of something like that also i felt like it was something very powerful to say against a mother even though you may not be talking a bout a mother.I really liked this poem Keep Up the great work!! Hope to see some more around the site!!Take care!!
    (P.S Keep up the really great writing)

  • 18 years ago

    by lydia

    Ya i wrote a new poem 2day its called Thid day of love/Up above check it out its pretty sweet oh and gavin talked about u again lol and ya great oem 5.0