I saw the grapes upon the vine,
The color and texture were sublime.
I gloated and mused in pure delight.
Elated was I to this very sight.
I looked; I craved; I did adore.
My eyes were full, but I looked some more.
Temptation! Temptation! From looking so much,
But no control, I just had to touch.
From my hands to my lips, I moved with haste.
I thought, only but one, just to taste.
The flavor was great; beyond compare;
Should I? Another? Do I dare?
I ate and ate this fruit so fine;
Little did I know this could be wine.
I gorged. I stuffed. I ate until
My stomach turned and became quite ill.
The night was slow; the pain was great.
I cursed the damn things that I just ate.
Never again! Never again! I swore.
I shall not eat these grapes anymore.
I took the grapes; I crushed and smashed;
Angrier and angrier I squashed and mashed.
The days passed and again I was strong.
It wasn't the grapes; I admit; I was wrong .
I went back to see the grapes once more.
There they lie, wasted and spoiled on the floor.
I reached down to gather them up;
Washed what was left and put 'em in a cup.
Then an odor overcame me, Oh, so well.
What's this strange scent I smell?
Curious, I placed the cup to my lip;
The liquid is sparkling; I must have a sip.
It went down easy; so I sipped again.
Down, down, down, again and again.
My eyes began to water; my neck felt hot.
I started to laugh; Boy! Am I drinking a lot?
The room started spinning around and around.
It didn't stop 'til I fell to the ground.
I tried in vain to get on my feet,
But with each attempt, I fell on my seat.
I crawled. I scrambled. I groped about.
Suddenly, my body stiffened; then I passed out.
The morning came, and the sun shone bright.
My body felt as though it were in a fight.
My hands trembled, and my knees felt weak.
I looked in a mirror and saw a freak.
I started to ponder as my head became clear;
Oh! How foolish I am. My eyes began to tear.
Now I know happiness is not to satiate,
But to be unselfish and to appreciate.
Not in the eating. but in the pouring.
For maybe this is what God meant;
Not to be greedy, but be content.