For eveyone that hates my work.

by Laybelled with a name   Jan 27, 2007

Maybe I should just give up,
Is there any reason to go on,
I've lost my way.

Maybe I'm just thinking wrong,
But you say I'm bad,
So I'll just go.

I only wrote for you and only you,
And now you hate my work,
Well your wrong!

You never saw past the start!
A poem is a work of art!
A poem is a list of final words!

My poem is a song,
of a very broken heart.

You never listened,
And your thoughts are wrong,
My life's wrong,
Why should my poems be right?

And I'll go now,
Back to where I always wanted to be.

For this is my final chapter,
This is what you wanted for me,
So I'll shall return to every day life,
Sure, it's better for you and me.


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  • 17 years ago


    Its strange how the poem telling people who don't enjoy your work to eff off, turned out to be a very enjoyable piece.

    I loved this;

    You never saw past the start!
    A poem is a work of art!
    A poem is a list of final words!

    My poem is a song,
    of a very broken heart.


  • 18 years ago

    by firexdancer

    I don't think your poems are bad!
    thx for writing
    luv gabriella

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Oh and if you can take it, ask that person that doesn't like your poem why they didn' may be something you can keep in mind for your next poem so at least you won't have the same problem next time. Poetry's all about improving and if you keep doing so, you should (in theory) get fewer negitive comments.

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    I don't understand where the obsession with no one liking your poems comes from. I know you have many lovely comments, genuinly stating how enjoyable they are. You shouldn't be phased either way as everyone has their own opinion and theres going to be loads of people that DO like your stuff. Is it just constant reassurance that you need? Because you're already getting that.
    Forget what people think, write for yourself, and if they don't like it, so what! I'm sure there will be poems you don't like but I bet that poet doesn't cry over it, so you shouldn't worry either.
    Don't give up just because one tiny person said "I don't like this."
    But you should keep writing for the many that say "I liked this."
    Smile, and take it on the chin that's what I do.
    Take care!