Just Disappear.♥

by youre my sun when it breaks through the clouds   Jan 27, 2007

And isnt it funny how all my feelings for you have became unrecoginized, Until the day we speak.
I admit, I have fallen in love again, i do not need you by my side. So why do u still feel you? Feel you somewhere in my heart.
I guess they will never go away, these feelings i have for you. I can fall in love once more and i can be happy again, but somewhere inside me, yout still there, like an unlit flame burning in my heart.
Yet the love and the passions i share with my new love is real, you wil never go away. But as each day passes, our love we once shared will only fade. Its time to move on.
Im now happy with someone else who makes me complete, hes all ive ever wanted and all i need. I Love Him. I used to love you, but maybe that old \"us\" wasnt the real thing.
Although I still care about you, i realize we had nothing compared to my present love. So now its time to forget. Just Disappear. Fate will take these feelings over, and decide for our own whats real. Im getting over you. And this is Goodbye, goodbye Forever...


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  • 18 years ago

    by La La xx Beth

    I think this is so good, i cant even give you a 5/5 because its better then a 5. its more like a 336. haha. good job and keep writing. i love your poems and quotes!

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