The Words Left Unspoken

by Sydney   Jan 27, 2007

I don't know why I haven't gotten over you
I can't seem to let you go
If I had one wish, you'd still be with me
But my feelings don't seem to show

I hide behind this painted mask
Pretending that it's okay
But the truth is I still care for you
And cry over you everyday

You've probably moved on from this failure
Since you've found that other chick
She seems to complete you in every way
So be happy with who you picked

When I spot you in the hall
Or see the pictures from the past,
It reminds me of when you'd hold me close
Now I'm broken 'cause it didn't last

My friends tell me to just get over you
To move on and find a new man
It's something that's really hard to do
Why can't they understand?

I remember that time we held hands
And that sweet first kiss on the cheek
Sometimes I wonder if you've forgotten those times
Because without you, my future is bleak

I can't believe I was so stupid
There you were- a great boyfriend
Cute, funny, athletic, outgoing
Then I let it come to an end

I should have known you wouldn't stay
And in your new relationship- I won't interfere
I'll just have to be happy for you
As I watch my entire world disappear


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Alexandraa

    Really good . I liked the ending sentence . Well done

  • 16 years ago

    by HvN

    I can totally relate to this poem, great job! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Nicole

    I love it! it's so much like how i'm feeling right now 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Briana

    I know exacally how you feel. me n this guy were a couple for a while, then we broke up. but now, 2 yrs later, hes coming back to me and telling me how much he messed up. I dont kno whether to forgive and forget or to just forget. But im thinking i might give him another chance knowing i still have some fealings for him! so keep your head up and someone will come around!!