My life so far!!!!! :( !!

by Xx KaYleY 2008 BaYbeE xX   Jan 27, 2007

When i was 6 things were great
bad things just drifted away,
I told my family everything
everything i had to say!

At 7 years old things got bad
and that is when my dad moved out,
I cried and cried for days on end
i blamed my mum and wanted to shout

Between 8 and 9 my step dad came along
and stayed just over 3 years,
In that time it was nothing but abuse
we all shead so many tears!!

When i was 10 i saw alot of my dad
his girlfriend and her son,
And all the things Nathan did to me
I'd say you've finally won!!!!!

As i just turned 14
i told someone what went on,
I went to court but nothing happened
now I'm the guilty one............

I wish i told them everything
from the day that you began,
But i didn't dare say a word
for some reason today i can.

I had a friend who died at 12
and her precious name was Devon,
I don't understand why you had to go
when i would of took your place in heaven.......

You wanted to live all so much
it's me who wants to die,
When i saw you in so much pain
i wished it away so hard id cry!!

I went to a party at 15
and i wish i never went,
Cause their something went wrong again
I'm sure the devil was sent!

My grandma died a month after court
why did you have to go,
Please come back i really need you
i wish for you more and more!!

I'm sure life's out to get me
cause every things gone wrong,
In a couple of months i may be gone
i just know i don't belong!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by krystal

    This is probably one of the best poems i have ever read

  • 17 years ago

    by Emily

    Heya kayley lass i luv yooh 2 bits babe n i am 1 of ur supporters u no that, when ever u need me im her for u 110% i luv u loads babe n i want u to think about that again even tho u no. I swear im here 4 u n u talk 2 me about stuff thats botherin u anyway but i need u to talk 2 me more chic especially recently wiv other shit thats goin on. u no what im talkin about i no im in the other room (lol) n that lol but ya no i thought ide leave u this comment so its forever here written down in words i swear babes n my new poem is for you xxxx (itll be on there soon lol just finishin it lol) i love ya loads baby girl :D:D emz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Xx KaYleY 2008 BaYbeE xX

    This poem is totally 100% true as my others! And i really cant move on at the moment but am trying my best which is al i can give really!! To anyone whos been through anything similar or the same plz comment or add me on msn

  • 18 years ago

    by Xx KaYleY 2008 BaYbeE xX

    Aww thankx for the comment it was realli nice of u and i appreciate it so much and i am going to try my best to fight it as i have loads of support at the moment!!! thankx again!!

  • 18 years ago

    by clevername

    Don't be down. Depression is temporary ALWAYS! Fight through it be strong. Trust me... Go back 2 year in my poetry and you'll realized i battled too... but If you read my pressent stuff you'll see I'm ok now. Even tho my new stuff sux ass lol. but hey, at least I'm happy. Always reach for happiness and know that you don't have to succumb to what those people did to you. To become depressed over tho's things is jsut admitting to those people that it was ok what they did. Become strong, And know that your stronger than them. And if anything were to happen again you wouldn't let it. Be the better one. ~peace, god bless~