The Vicious Cycle

by Allis MT   Jan 27, 2007

Nobody and Somebody
fell in love

Nobody loved Somebody
nobody cared
Somebody was somebody
to Nobody

Somebody didn't love
Nobody as much as
Nobody loved

When Everybody met
Nobody felt
like somebody

Everbody began to love
Nobody felt like somebody
and questioned the love
for Somebody

Everybody and Nobody loved
Somebody became nobody


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  • 17 years ago

    by TheQuestioner

    Wow great job. my poems are not t.m.i. they get the point across in a more vivid way. and im writing a book, so there has to be some real intreasting parts. and its not my fault for black and white... lol. i have that pic up on my wall still. well going to work. bii.
    p.s. miss talking to you.
    p.s.s. dont be haten on my poetry cuz its detailed. lol.

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Simple yet effective, although it was challenging to keep up with which body was going
    I guess the message is you become somebody in love, and nobody alone...and the person you love is everybody...
    It was different an certainly a teaching poem.
    Only thing I can suggest is punctuation, it always helps.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Synh

    Wow, I liked this. It was more of a story than I poem to me but enjoyed it nonetheless. I holds a lot of truth in its words. *5/5*

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