Comments : The Vicious Cycle

  • 18 years ago

    by Synh

    Wow, I liked this. It was more of a story than I poem to me but enjoyed it nonetheless. I holds a lot of truth in its words. *5/5*

  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Simple yet effective, although it was challenging to keep up with which body was going
    I guess the message is you become somebody in love, and nobody alone...and the person you love is everybody...
    It was different an certainly a teaching poem.
    Only thing I can suggest is punctuation, it always helps.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • 17 years ago

    by TheQuestioner

    Wow great job. my poems are not t.m.i. they get the point across in a more vivid way. and im writing a book, so there has to be some real intreasting parts. and its not my fault for black and white... lol. i have that pic up on my wall still. well going to work. bii.
    p.s. miss talking to you.
    p.s.s. dont be haten on my poetry cuz its detailed. lol.