by Debbie
An enjoyable piece you have here, hun! Overall, you've written a wonderful work which never failed to thrill me at the least. The line, "The naked stare kisses blank emptiness," is, by the way, a rather creative line. |
Some-what off at the beginning, but a good peice. I liked your other one better. IT was still very alluring. kudos. |
by Vanessa
Alluring, well written, and creative. your word choice is excellent, and the emtion are deep and strong. You did an excellent job. 5/5 |
Wow.. what a beautiful choice of words.."The naked stare kisses blank emptiness," that line is amazing.. its so original and creative... this poem is short but still filled with a lost and lonely emotion that shines through strong.. keep it up :]P |
The flow of this was wonderful, each word just seemed to glide into one another. Very sad emotions expressed, but a much enjoyable read. |
Wow, short but truly powerful! Every line is great, and complete impression for the piece is- simply breath- taking. |