The Ending Of My World

by Semmie   Jan 28, 2007

Lost in a memory, a meaningless vortex
One that has no end.
The harder I search for the exit,
The more confusion and frustration is caused.
In this place, I am alone.
No one is permitted but I

Loosing sense of self and reality,
Loosing my optimism and sanity,
This place is tearing apart my consciousness.
Yet I feel safe and protected,
Protected by this mask of monstrosity,
Protected by the surrounding darkness.

In this place, I have no self.
I search and find more and more of myself that I just don't want to see.
Drowning in the voices that explain my identity,
In this place, the object called me,
Is lost somewhere amoungst the rubble left from my crumbled wall

Falling through the cracks of eternity,
Fading into nothingness,
Suffocating in the dense air being forced into my airways.
My soul becoming weary,
My heart becoming weak,
No peace or tranquility within myself to lay my mind to sleep.

Confusion is so time consuming,
Like being lost in limbo,
Like watching the rust build upon my clarity.
Sucking the energy out of my lifeless body,
Draining all my worth and hope,
Wondering whether I should give into this superior power called pain,
Crushing my broken body into minute fragments of dust.


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  • 18 years ago

    by DarkNDangerous

    That was a realy good poem you should see some of mine some time!! ^_^