The First Kiss

by Katii♥   Jan 28, 2007

The first kiss I got from you
I felt high as the pure blue sky
Never want to let go
wanna be with you till the say I die.

Every breath that I take
I find I love you more, and more
Just the love we make
I could live off, for life.
And I soar
Higher than the eagles that fly
The wings spread farther
On this loving heart of mine
And I need to show you how I feel
Oh, how i feel
I only share this fun with you
So exquisite, so gentle
I want to scream I Love You
At the top of my lungs
To the whole world, that deserves to know
I'm going to love you for all of time
Nothing anyone could do would stop
The feelings I have for you
I'm falling head over heels
And I love it so.

The first kiss I got from you
Was just the beginning
Of a whole new world.


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  • 17 years ago

    by *Isolde*

    Wow that was very cool.

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