The REAL cinderella story

by kadie   Jan 28, 2007

We all know the story of Cinderella and how she met her prince. But did you know he broke her heart? That story goes like this....
He broke her heart and made her cry wishing she could just die. He lied to her to set her free then he told her that he loved me. So broken hearted she hit the floor declared a bloody war so she could win her prince back once more.
With tear filled eyes she wrote a note and put it on his bed, and if you listen closely you'll hear the words she said....
My darling Prince,
You broke my heart and made me feel a fool all those times you said you loved me none of them were true. I'm sick of crying, I'm sick of pain refuse to hang my head in shame. So as this is my last good bye I loved you till the day I died. That is it her letter to him as she sealed it with a kiss. She wished him joy she wished him love and she wished him eternal bliss. I've done my job I told her tale that which is my own. For I am Cinderella and this is my last goodbye and now you know the pain of falling for that guy.

For those of you unsure if I came up with this on my own the answer is yes I did. If I didn't I would tell you. PROMISE.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Elizabetta

    Great job! You completly made up a story, and I loved how it rhymed too! :D The writers of Cinderella couldn't have done better.



  • 18 years ago

    by BrOkEnHeArTeD15

    Omg i dont kno if u made that up urself or not but thats is like the best poem i have ever read..keep up the good work..:)