A Lesson Learned

by *~CaSsYa~*   Jan 29, 2007

"Ask and it will be given to you;
Seek and you will find;
Knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives
He who seeks finds; and to him who knocks,
The door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8

A scripture isn't some words in a book.
A Bible isn't just a heavy wads of pages.
A Bible is where God passionately talks to you,
And a scripture is a sign; a message that He sends you.

"God, where are you?!"
I cry out in my lonely heart
Being isolated in this island
Trying to spread my faith
Was just breaking me apart

I lived in such a wonderful country and I lived so happily
With loving and caring friends who accepted me for who I was
But I had to move to an island with overwhelming fads and lies
I believed God sent me here to spread His word and Holy name.

I thought that I could make a difference
To a person's life and maybe change their view
Of Christianity, God, and their life
But fighting the odds were too intense

Then I hated myself and beat myself for it
Why couldn't I do this, Why am I failing
I was the one who made myself lonely and in fear
I hated myself and it tore me apart every bit

Now instead of helping others, I needed help
Who was I supposed to go to? Which friend? Who'd know?
But then it hit me hard; I just went down on my knees saying,

And He came to the rescue through a friend; through love.
That angel reminded me that I wasn't alone; look around you
Surrounded with love already, and God is always there for me.
It also reminded changes don't happen so fast and easily.

Instead of me saving others, God saved ME.
And it hit me again- I was trying too hard to make a difference
God is the one who can create miracles;
I just decided to let this go and let God take it all.

I looked inside myself.
I have sinned, been a hypocrite, disliked, criticized,
I haven't reached out to a heart, tried to show my love for others,
Nor have I showed my kindness, goodwill, or forgiveness.

Before changing others,
I decided to work a bit on myself and through talking with God.
Although I may not be great at preaching but I can pray
With those prayers, I may be able to help others on the way.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Spoken Silence

    Inspirational....great job

  • 18 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Aww cassya, beatutiful uplifting ending! Its true, you can't help everyone at once, its just too hard, you got to take it all one step at a time, and your probably even helping people when you don't even know it! I've been meaning to write a religious poem, think i'll get to it! lol, keep up the great writing!

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