Angel's feathers

by firexdancer   Jan 29, 2007

The bodies fall to the ground
as each gun screams
ocean of blood,
waves flowing

i stand in the red
the poison of tainted hearts and minds
covering my arms like silk
the only one left

why did they all leave me?
the ones that i love
their feathers drift down
from wings of an angel

why did you leave me here,
all alone.

i don't know if this was really good or not but it was idea, i changed it a bit, please tell me if it is better or not.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Chaos

    This was good, but it was so sad but so good that you could not take your eyes away from the words or forget the words so powerful that they pull on your heart strings. You are good at writeing poems and i hope it keepes geting better

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Whoa y doesn't everyone else like this poem, this so far is my fav. well all are fantastic but this one was special to me.

    5/5 for always. David

  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa

    Very interesting choice of words for your descriptions. I LIKEY!

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