
by Faceless Mirror   Jan 29, 2007

I\'m colorless to white.

Walking down the avenue in the crisp cold and
the freezing weather tunes me in.

I\'m moving in mono.

I play chess against myself and
my senses are all-inclusive.

I\'m colorless to white.

The cold starts to bite; numbing my flavor
and the freezing weather tunes me in.

I\'m moving in mono.

I play chess against myself and
my senses are all-inclusive.

I\'m colorless to white
and I\'m moving in mono.

© Kenneth Gjøse (Faceless Mirror)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Prophecies In Kodak

    I'm colorless to white

    That line.. Gave me chills.
    Brilliant, mate. Even if "moving in mono" is a bit of an odd term. You did a good job though.. with the analogy.


  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Lmfao well done my love.
    missed your poetry lately.

    and your comment towards mono.. that made me laugh i love you

  • 18 years ago

    by Poetical Princess

    Even though I didn't really understand this, I feel it had very vivid words that brought the feel of the poem out. Good work on the description ;)

  • 18 years ago

    by xPerfect Chaosx

    I love the first line to this poem

    I'm colorless to white

    Idk what it is about it, but I just love it, splendid job my dear!! Keep up the awesome work 5/5!
    Much Love,

  • 18 years ago

    by Faceless Mirror

    "its gramatically incorrect to say moving in mono"? lol

    I just have to ask you a question - ever heard of something called a metaphor?