Comments : Look what you\'ve done

  • 18 years ago


    Great job! And also, I e-mailed you. I'm just scared you're some old guy. lol, you're not, right??

  • 18 years ago

    by LovinMyLife

    Hey! Thank you for the comments! They mean so much to me! I love Your poems! keep up the amazing work!

  • 18 years ago

    by Mandz and Aly

    Hey. i like this poem. its pretty sad but tis well written. hope things are going well for you. dont worry about me. but yes my poems are about me. good job.

  • 18 years ago

    by AwakeInDreamin

    Chelsea i read this poem at your house last night at it almost lead me to tears. the sadest thing you told me about it was that your mom was in the next room while you wrote this. chelsea i love you keep up your good work

  • 18 years ago

    by angelbabygirl

    I like it. It is what so many of the people from my town are like. They have let the drugs take over and you should see their kids. Sometimes I can't help but wonder why. Thanks for the coment.

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    You should put this in expitic section
    under drugs and alcohol so people
    like me would read it and comment
    im a father and husband and i use
    cocaine now for 17 years and i just feel trapped in this vicious cycle of
    addiction i guess the best way i can
    explain is to tell you to read a poem
    on this site by gracie danellie called
    ALMOST this poem is on the money
    I really don't think i get up every day
    and say let me see if i can hurt every
    body i love today theres no way that can be true; but every time i use i do
    exactly that. i don't know i guess im
    just a selfish person who only thinks of himself cy

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Thanks for comment did you read that poem almost you have to read it its the best. if you listen to just one stranger that knows you listen to me
    please whatever you do in this life
    don't im begging don' do any drugs
    and that includes weed, alcohol
    any of it. every one thinks that its going to be different for them. they always think they can handle it but believe drugs are sneaky, i had such a good life befor drugs. my wife and i use to race motocross and we won all the time. If only my fellow racers could
    see me now. anyway forget about me
    my message is for you. when drugs
    comes your way run and run fast and never look back. cy

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    I want you to write a poem and in this poem tell me why you will never do drugs or have anything to do with drugs. I KNOW you think since you don't use them that you can still
    be around people that do them
    < YOU CAN'T> STAY AWAY FROM THEM 17 years are gone from our
    lives and i'll never get them back
    just think i wasted more years than you been alive. write that poem
    and in it i want you to promise me a
    drug addict who really knows that you won't ever do drugs. If i can reach just
    one person than my life finally meant

    I'LL give you a quote its a gift to you i never wrote befor it's all yours


  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Yo check out some of haily's poems
    you might be able to help her . her latest is im falling apart. go back
    10 or so poems and you can pretty much catch up to her story.

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Isee you read almost its the best
    huh? another good one is 8:11 by

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Don't forget 8:11 you'll love it

  • 17 years ago

    by Jamica

    I can feel your pain. My mother died from addiction @ age 42. Worst experience of my life. Hang in there kido. Great expression!

  • 17 years ago

    by Maggie Joseph

    I felt the same way..i still feel the same.. my mom and her boyfriend were addicted to alcohol and pot..they got over that but my mom's been addicted to cigarettes..she's been smoking 'em since she was 12 and she 31. well anyways..good poem