Comments : Love me not

  • 18 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    "For feelings fade with time,
    It's true of that."
    --That may be true, but I can't imagine my feelings ever fading over you.

    "Love me for my faults,
    For everything that makes me different."

    "Love me for who i once was,
    And who i can be."
    --I wish I was there in the past, and I certainly hope to be in your future. Regardless, I love you.

    "Love me for the way i make you feel.
    That way even when the heart dies.

    Those feelings will still be there,
    And i wont be the only one feeling them."
    --You make me feel incredible, and my feelings for you will always remain. Don't doubt that, kay?

    "Just love me for me.
    Love me."
    --Well, duh, I do.

    You're an excellent writer. I love your work.