Comments : Maisy was meant for me....

  • 18 years ago

    by Jochsey

    David and maisy are a perfect couple so dont you dare and try to do anything to break them up!!!

    btw dave wants to bash you

  • 18 years ago

    by David

    Hmmmm. wat can i say??? you firstly have no chance of anything happening. you will only be rejected. so go jump.

    hope you go away and you better not bother us. cause really it is only annoying cause we are always and nothing, and i say nothing, can make us break up.


  • 17 years ago

    by NinjaGirl

    I think u would go good wit maisy 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Domino0792

    Hey hows it going? im lovign this poem and i think that the two people who commented first on this (friend and boyfriend of maisy) have absoultely no clue what feels like to keep something like this inside. we cannot help who we love nor can we change the way we think. we can control who we love anymore than we can control the weather or whether John Howard wil be re-elected. they need to take a step back, instead of critising you and your feelings, they need to understand where you are coming from. I feel for you man, to have to face that continously is not only heart breaking but life threatening. I really hope that you find someone you love just as much even if its not maisy. Trust me i know you dont want to hear this but there are a thousand more women who can make you feel this way, you just have to willing to allow yourself to move on.

    Favourite stanza was:

    I would not treat you like that
    I would just love you now
    And if you loved me back as much
    Stop with him, with his perfect touch

    nicely penned
    -xx- Chan