I wish I never met you.

by kristen 1833   Jan 30, 2007

I wanted to tell you I hate you
I hate you for messing with my head
for using me like you did
&& all the lies you fed

I hate myself for being so blind
&& trusting you too fast
for giving you what you wanted
I thought maybe, this would last

Go ahead and tell your friends
that I'm a worthless little wh0re
&& it was "far too easy"
to get what you came for

Like you are any better
you planned it all along
you intentions were nothing short
of completely doing me wrong

I wish I never fell for you
... that's the worst part of it all
&& I can't believe I actually expected
you to catch me when I fall

It's not like I was in love with you
but I trusted you none-the-less
I thought you had more in you
..but I was wrong I guess

I guess I might deserve this
but I'm tired of holding the shame
you're the one who did the wrong
&& you should be to blame

So go ahead and boost your ego
in the locker room at school
You're so over rated, a player & I hate it
how could I have been such a fool?

All I've done wrong was like you
So let me apologize
for not seeing all the bull $h i t
behind your bright blue eyes

&& I'm sorry I gave into temptation
It will never happen again
Thanks for teaching me to never, ever
Put my faith in men.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Awww...girly!!! that was so sad and emotional but just fantastically written i mean wow i loved it 5/5 <33

    p.s. im even adding it to my favorites!

  • 17 years ago

    by lisa

    I hate it it was crap grow up u little hore

  • 17 years ago

    by TwilightSecrets

    Ok that was awesome, totally showed what being played on and stuff was like i loved it.