
by LonelyKnights   Jan 30, 2007

They look at us like we are different
Like we are plagued
They talk behind our backs
Like we do not have ears
Like we cant hear what they say
Like what we are is a sin

Well fu#k them
They do not know us
They never will
They could try
But it would just make them hate us even more

Why do they think they are better than us
Is it cause they all look the same
Is it cause they think that they are perfect
Well fu#k them
They are nothing more than copies from the same mold

Why do they even try
They will never beat me
This is not a game they can win
I do not care about them anymore
You made it so

You made me realize that they do not matter
That I am different and it is a good thing
That I can be myself without fear
Thank you
Thank you for everything you have done for me

Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone the most
For being there for me when I never asked you to
For being a friend I could count on
Thank you
For not being like them

I love you



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  • 18 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Wow. I wish I could vote for this a million times over. I really, really liked this one. It doesn't suck at all, as you said it did. I think it's one of your best. It's so you. It's awesome because I can imagine you saying/reading it in my head, and it's just so nice. I love you so much, and thank you, as well, for not being like them. You're the greatest, babe. Always.

    Only one thing I'd like to mention this time, and that's just simply that you don't have to put all your poems as sadness, you know. Unless you want to, but sometimes the Mods will move your poem for you if you don't o.O. Not that that's a big deal, just saying. I'd put this under like, friendship or explicit, maybe. *Shrugs*

    Oh, and one other thing:
    "Why do not do they even try"
    --Correction? o.O.

    I LOVE YOU, for who you are, who you were, and whoever you'll become.


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